DotAsia Launches Landush.Asia to Promote Adoption of Native Language Domain Names in Asia

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Hong Kong, 16 September 2011 - The DotAsia Organisation is proud to announce the launch of Landrush.Asia (, a platform where potential registrants can apply for their ".Asia" IDN directly. They can select from a list of participating registrars on the site and then apply for the best Chinese, Japanese and Korean Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) before it opens up for first-come-first-served registrations.

"Landrush.Asia is an effort from DotAsia to help registrants from Asia and registrars around the world to offer first in line registrations for Chinese, Japanese and Korean '.Asia' domain names," says Edmon Chung, CEO of the DotAsia Organisation says, "DotAsia is committed to promoting Internet development and adoption in Asia, and native language domain names (i.e. IDN) is an important part of driving accessibility to the hundreds of millions of users coming online in Asia.  As both a tool for direct navigation and for enhancing SEO (Search Engine Optimization), IDN also helps businesses around the world to reach the Asian Internet marketplace, where users are actively searching online in their own language."

The ".Asia" IDN domain names has been very well received in Asia, especially in China, with more than half of the close to 10,000 ".Asia" IDNs have already been asked for being Chinese domains. The CJK .Asia IDN Landrush period is open for another month and will close on October 11, 2011. For further inquiries about the Chinese, Japanese and Korean .Asia IDN Landrush, please go to


About DotAsia Organisation

DotAsia Organisation is a regional not-for-profit organization with a mission to promote Internet development and adoption around Asia. DotAsia oversees the ".Asia" top-level Internet domain name, and is formed as an open membership consortium of official domain authorities around the region, including .CN (China), .JP (Japan), .KR (Korea), .IN (India), .NZ (New Zealand), .PH (Philippines), etc., and regional Internet organizations including APNIC, APNG, APCERT, PAN and APTLD. DotAsia has a core mandate towards digital inclusion, education and research and development.

Since the launch of the ".Asia" registry in March 2008, DotAsia has been proactively contributing to the Internet and cultural community in Asia. Today, DotAsia is already supporting many community projects in the region: Relief.Asia (, ISIF.Asia (R&D Grants Fund --, CreativeCommons.Asia (, OLPC.Asia (One-Laptop-Per-Child Initiative in Asia --, DSF.Asia (Digital Solidarity Fund --, OSS.Asia (Open Source Software consortium --, and NetMission.Asia (youth volunteer program & network --

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