IDN .Asia GOLIVE! June 21, 2012

Internationalized Domain Names for SMBs with DotAsia CEO


DELHI, INDIA -- Edmon Chung, DotAsia CEO, presented at the ResellerClub Hosting Summit Friday on the importance of IDNs and its implications for small businesses.

Chung says that the purpose of an IDN is to get more people online. With localized domain names, it is easier for businesses to relate to customers. Businesses in India use local language and this becomes an added advantage for SMBs, he says.

Why a Domain Name is Critical

"On the internet, perception is a reality," he says.

Domain names once were used as merely a navigation tool but they are now recognized as a brand itself. Chung says 30 percent of Google's ranking algorithm is based solely on domain names.

He iterated the common mistakes done by SMEs, which are as follows:

Deciding on a company name before a domain name: Chung says that this selection should go hand in hand; that is, a company name should be decided by keeping the domain name in perspective.

People tend to register very long domain names which makes it very tough to memorize or recollect thereby losing its novelty.
People are generally not willing to spend too much on domain names.

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Extends Free 7" Android Tablet Offer to Any New .ASIA Domain

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Hong Kong, 23 June 2012 - DotAsia is pleased to announce the successful "Go-Live" launch for Chinese, Japanese & Korean IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) registrations for the .Asia Top-Level Domain on June 21, 2012. Amidst the wave of new gTLDs being introduced, .Asia is the first new gTLD from Asia dedicated to the Asian community around the world. IDN .Asia registrations will be accepted on a First-Come-First-Served basis from Go Live (

According to research findings, it is estimated that Internet users will reach 2.2 billion by 2013, with Asia remaining the biggest global growth engine, and that 17% of the world's online population will live in China in 2013.  "That means the majority of new Internet users will not speak English and will interact fully in their own native language," adds Edmon Chung, CEO of the DotAsia Organisation. "Having a domain name that speaks their language will be critical to allow them to find you, especially considering the search engine optimization (SEO) benefits in capturing domain names matching keywords users are looking for."

Hand in hand with the launch of CJK (Chinese, Japanese & Korean) IDN is the extension of the FreeB program ( to IDN .Asia registrations. Now, registrants of both ASCII and IDN .Asia names will receive free gifts exclusively from DotAsia:

- Free 7" Android Tablet (with Camera) with any 10-year .Asia registration
- Free Bluetooth Keyboard with any 5-year .Asia registration
- Free Stylus pen with any 2-year .Asia registration
- Free Headphone with any 1-year .Asia registration

The FreeB program from DotAsia highlights Asia's continuation as the center of cool, bargain gadgets. ".Asia is the one domain that connects you to Asia, the largest and fastest growing Internet marketplace," says Chung. "We believe that new gTLDs will bring new models to the domain market and DotAsia's FreeB program represents one of the many innovations to come that could challenge existing mindsets and bring about new uses of domain names. For example, it would be exciting to see .Asia domain names being used on tablet PCs as central nodes for personal clouds."


Media Contact
Beatrice Chan

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.ASIA ZH IDN Language Table - Updated v1.2

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The following is an update to the previous ".ASIA ZH IDN Language Table - Updated v1.1" entry Summary of changes: Changes from Version 1.1 to 1.2: Updated 1 clerical error: VariantEntry = ValidCodePoint  ";" PreferredVariant(SC) ";" PreferredVariant(SC) ";" CharacterVariant [... more >>
The .ASIA IDN Landrush end time has been extended to Oct 29, 2011, 24:00UTC. Based on feedback from registrars - especially in the Chinese community, due to the long national holidays just prior to the original scheduled close of the... more >>
Download: [ EN PDF | ZH-繁 PDF ] Hong Kong, 16 September 2011 - The DotAsia Organisation is proud to announce the launch of Landrush.Asia (, a platform where potential registrants can apply for their ".Asia" IDN directly. They can... more >>
尋找傑出男兒系列(二)前言:是否所有香港男人都是學歷低、經濟能力差、欠主見、無風度、小器的「港男」?港男港女之爭,不過將兩性同時醜化,只是一兩個例子,就以為所有人都一樣,或許剛走過身邊的其實是個「好貨色」。因此,副刊專題版特別走入人群,為大家尋訪一些被忽略了的香港傑出男兒--他們在不同界別中都自有成就,更重要的是各自闖出自己的路──這也是這個系列告訴大家的。 以前父母總是想孩子讀書畢業後,能成為醫生、律師、建築師等,一來收入高,二來社會地位也高,但隨着社會發展,愈來愈多人投身銀行及金融界,因為可以「賺快錢」,但近年這趨勢又轉了,因為大家都發現資訊科技界是最新的好「歸宿」。不過,很多香港人可能還記得幾年前的「dot com」泡沫潮,令很多人損失慘重──不過這也說明了:大家可以投身,但不要投機!筆者最近認識了香港互聯網協會副主席兼DotAsia行政總裁鍾宏安(Edmon),他可說是「瞓身」於dot com事業之中,更重要的是他不是要從中賺大錢,而是為着一個理想。... more >>

演藝界搶先機註冊.asia 域名

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香港DotAsia 宣布由昨日起至十月十一日,正式進入「asia」國際化域名的「搶灘期」,甄子丹、舒淇、劉德華等紛紛搶佔先機,註冊其中文名字的「.asia」域名。鑑於藝人名字及電影名稱註冊成商標並不普及,然而他們卻往往成為侵權註冊的對象,因此「域名先鋒計劃」的推出得到演藝界的全力響應。演藝團體包括香港演藝人協會已為旗下會員,如甄子丹、舒淇、成龍、劉德華、郭富城等註冊其中文名字的「.asia」域名。其他機構及其會員,例如香港電影金像獎、香港作曲家及作詞家協會、香港電影導演會、香港電影工作者總會等都已藉着這個計劃, 註冊相關的「.asia」中文域名。 DotAsia 機構行政總裁鍾宏安指出:「互聯網正走向國際化域名的世界,中國、日本及韓國數以億萬的用戶,都用自己本土的語言進行網上搜尋。DotAsia機構不單了解國際化域名優化搜尋器的價值,亦致力支持商界及藝人透過『.asia』域名,更親切地接觸其客戶及粉絲。」... more >>

Landrush for .Asia IDN Begins Today

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Download: [ PDF ] Around 10,000 .Asia IDNs already asked for at Close of Sunrise Hong Kong, August 2, 2011 - Following the successful completion of Sunrise, DotAsia today announces the opening of Landrush ( for Chinese, Japanese and Korean... more >>
互聯網為現代人生活中不可或缺的一環,發展固然非常成熟,但只要緊貼新趨勢,仍然商機處處,中文域名創辦人之一的鍾宏安指出,隨着去年政策及技術上的配合,中文域名將會逐漸普及,有可能創造出動輒以千萬元成交的域名,雖然發展仍在起步階段,但價值一旦被發掘,相信可成為互聯網的黃金地皮。記者 莊菀婷互聯網發展一日千里,中文域名的進程,卻遇上不少阻滯,香港互聯網協會副主席兼DotAsia行政總裁鍾宏安指出,○○年有公司偷步,開放中文域名註冊,但當時技術根本未發展成熟,政策層面亦未成熟,「結果註冊咗,唔用得唔work,形成一個信心危機」。 鍾宏安又稱,當時中文域名的註冊量十分驚人,全球有超過一百萬人註冊,但此事發生後,令人對中文域名失去信心,影響中文域名的整個發展速度。至○三年,中文域名國際標準初稿才出台。... more >>


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十多年前,互聯網還是新興事物,許多人從未想過中文也可成為域名。鍾宏安(Edmon)卻將不可能變成可能,研發出中文域名技術,更獲加拿大多倫多大學資助,成功創業。可惜科網股爆破,中文域名始終未成氣候,但他沒有氣餒,一直積極推動,近年終達成心願,互聯網不再只是英文域名的天下! 隨 着互聯網市場開放,頂級域名已不再局限於「.com」、「」等,○七年推出的「.asia」便是一個新突破,現時註冊用戶已達二十五萬。三 十六歲的Edmon是「DotAsia」行政總裁,該公司於○六年成立,屬非牟利機構,專責管理「.asia」域名,轄下成員均為亞洲國家及地區的頂級域 名註冊商。 「DotAsia」可說由Edmon一手湊大,早在○二年,他已義務參與推動「.asia」域名,經過無數次會議磋商,○六年 「.asia」終獲ICANN(國際互聯網名稱和編號分配公司)審批,翌年正式在互聯網上出現。他笑說:「.asia代表整個亞洲區,係一個品牌,有助提 升企業形象,藝人就可以吸納更多粉絲。」例如武打明星甄子丹,便有個「甄子丹.asia」網站。 互聯網另一重大革命,就是出現中文域名, 「天文台.香港」便是一例。中文域名技術所以能獲廣泛應用,Edmon可說功不可沒。九九年,Edmon在加拿大多倫多大學碩士畢業,搵工期間,他遇到一 個難題,「發現好多公司,淨係知個中文名,但用中文名加.com喺網上係唔得嘅,一定要用英文。」... more >>
The CEO of DotAsia Organisation, Mr. Edmon Chung met the media in Hong Kong presenting the IDN sunrise policy and the value of the .Asia IDN.  DotAsia 機構行政總裁鍾宏安先生會見傳媒並介紹.Asia 國際化域名日出期的安排及.Asia 國際化域名的價值。... more >>
網絡世界一直被英文主導,特別是搜尋及域名更是以英文為先,今次.Asia推出中文域名正好讓中文主導的亞洲社會,有了更親切及更屬於自己的互聯網。English has been dominating the internet world for a long time - from searching for information to typing a domain name, English is the most popular language for netizens. .Asia's newly launched Chinese IDN domain names can help to provide... more >>

DotAsia to Support Asian New gTLDs

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Download: [ EN | ZH-繁 | ZH-简 ] Launch of Chinese, Japanese and Korean ".Asia" IDN Continues: Priority Sunrise Registrations will Close on July 25 2011, Open Landrush Registrations to Begin August 2, 2011 Hong Kong, 2011 July 12 -... more >>

.ASIA IDN News Clippings

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On this page, you'll find a listing of some .Asia IDN related news clippings.... more >>

中文域名先鋒 捉鹿仍未脫角

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"中文域名先鋒 捉鹿仍未脫角" 記者:王俊傑, 新報... more >>
ZDNet Asia - SINGAPORE--Uniting World Wide Web with gTLDs ambiguities, according to an industry expert.The establishment of generic top-level domains (gTLDs) and internationalized domain names (IDNs) will not result in a more fragmented, complex Web arena to navigate but will... more >>


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"域名有價掀炒風" 信報... more >>

.Asia 中文域名 有利企業攻華

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".Asia 中文域名 有利企業攻華" 記者:洪小晶, 經濟日報... more >>

.ASIA中日韓域名 隆重推出

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Download: [ PDF ] [ DOC ] 勢將掀起亞洲域名尋金熱 (2011年6月10日,香港) DotAsia機構正式宣佈推出 .ASIA中文(繁、簡體相通)域名。.ASIA中文(繁、簡體)域名分為四期讓不同單位註冊,分別為「日出期」(Sunrise)、「亞洲域名先鋒計劃」(Pioneer Domains Program)、「搶灘期」(Landrush)及「正式公開註冊」(Go Live) 。與此同時,.ASIA 日文、韓文域名亦於同時期推出,全面覆蓋東南亞重點市場。 「亞洲域名先鋒計劃」及「日出期」已於2011年5月11日推出,截止日期為7月25日,期間接受註冊商標及服務標記持有人申請優先保留其品牌及機構的相關域名。「搶灘期」將於2011年8月2日至10月11日舉行,屆時將接受一般域名申請,如同一域名接獲多於一個合資格申請,將以拍賣形式處理。 以上的分期安排是鑑於域名炒賣風氣盛行,在歐美市場尤為激烈,如tom.com炒至四百萬美元、sex.com炒至一千四百萬美元、business.com炒至過億美元等。炒賣風氣亦一直蔓延至亞洲市場。最近,「카지노.kr」 ("Casino".kr ) 及「日本.com」 ("Japan".com ) 分別以超過一萬美元以及十萬美元成交。預料.ASIA「日出期」與「搶灘期」的推出將牽動中日韓域名的投資價值上揚。有見及此,DotAsia亦相應推出「亞洲域名先鋒計劃」及「日出期」推動保障知識產權,讓亞洲企業、品牌、明星優先在搶注開始前註冊及保護其網名。 為推廣中文域名於本港的應用,DotAsia機構將於6月20日起推出連續四星期之「熱玩熱打.asia中文域名」有獎遊戲,凡成功登入 .Asia 神秘遊戲網站,即有機會參與演出官恩娜最新MV及贏取 iPad 2 等豐富獎品!詳情請留意http://www.註冊.asia 及日後的的公佈。 DotAsia機構行政總裁鍾宏安先生指出:「中文域名曾於十年前蕓花一現,但當時因技術未成熟,未有形成氣候。如今在我們多番改良及爭取下,技術及條例已穩定及確立,因此在這時推出.ASIA中文域名是最適合不過。對全球華人來說,中文是屬於我們的文字,不但更有親切感,更是憶萬中國網民每日網上搜尋所用的關鍵字。歐美企業早已理解到當域名與用戶搜尋的關鍵字對應時,能使搜尋引擎優化事半功倍。中文域名,不但令更多不熟悉英語的人士順利接觸網絡,亦將帶來無限的商機。」鍾先生乃國際化域名科技的先驅者更是國際化頂級域名及域名註冊資料國際化會議的主席之一。 在本港多間機構如香港演藝人協會、香港導演會、香港電影金像獎等甚或國際巨星都已預留.Asia中文域名,如國際知名的影星甄子丹先生的 "http://甄子丹.asia", 成龍電影《大兵小將》 "http://大兵小將.asia"及香港學界齊撐「世界大學生運動會」慈善項目"http://撐大運.asia"等。   關於 DotAsia 機構... more >>

.Asia IDN Ready Registrars

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101Domain - http://www.101domain.com1API - http://1api.net35 Technology Co., Ltd. - http://www.35.comASCIO -, Inc - China  Springboard  Inc. - http://www.namerich.cnDomaininfo AB - Com Laude - http://www.comlaude.comEuroDNS SA - http://www.eurodns.comFirstserver, Inc. - Inc - http://www.gabia.comHuyi Global Information Resources... more >>
Download: [ PDF ] [ DOCX ] San Francisco, May 18, 2011 - At the 133rd Annual Meeting of the International Trademark Association (INTA) in San Francisco, DotAsia Organization announces the appointment of the ClearingHouse for Intellectual Property ("CHIP")... more >>
Priority Sunrise Registration of Chinese, Japanese and Korean ".Asia" Domain Names Begins WorldwideGlobal Brands, Asian Businesses, IDN Registrants, Community Initiatives, Celebrities and Pioneers Invited Download: [ EN | ZH-繁 | ZH-简 | KR | JP | DE ] [ EN... more >>
DotAsia is committed to the long-term development of the .ASIA TLD.  The Pioneer Domains Program is intended to encourage active and positive usage, as well as the development of relevant and robust content for .ASIA domain names.  The Pioneer Domains... more >>
DotAsia is committed to the long-term development of the .ASIA TLD.  The Pioneer Domains Program is intended to encourage active and positive usage, as well as the development of relevant and robust content for .ASIA domain names.  The Pioneer Domains... more >>
The following is an update to the original ".ASIA CJK (Chinese Japanese Korean) IDN Policies" entry. Summary of changes: Chinese Changes from Version 1.0 to 1.1: Updated 6 clerical errors: U+56ED;U+56ED;U+5712;U+8598 --updated-to--> U+56ED;U+56ED;U+5712;U+8597 U+7AC8;U+7076;U+7076;U+7AC4 --updated-to--> U+7AC8;U+7076;U+7076;U+7AC3 U+8544;U+840C;U+8544;U+8421 --updated-to--> U+8544;U+840C;U+8544;U+8420 U+8F6C;U+8F6C;U+8F49;U+8EE3... more >>

.ASIA ZH IDN Language Table - Updated v1.1

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.ASIA ZH IDN Language Table TLD: ASIA Version: 1.1 Effective Date: 2011-05-04 Summary of IDN Policy Profile: IDN LangaugeTag: ZH IDN Language Description: Chinese Minimum Length: A-Label: 3; U-Label: 1 Maximum Length: A-Label: 63 Valid Characters: 19,720 Additional Contextual Rules:... more >>

.ASIA JA IDN Language Table - Updated v1.1

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.ASIA JA IDN Language Table TLD: ASIA Version: 1.1 Effective Date: 2011-05-04 Summary of IDN Policy Profile: IDN LangaugeTag: JA IDN Language Description: Japanese Minimum Length: A-Label: 3; U-Label: 1 Maximum Length: A-Label: 63 Valid Characters: 6,571 Additional Contextual Rules:... more >>
NOTES: All Sunrise phases will proceed in parallel, from May 11 - July 20, 2011. Applications received for SR2 and SR3 phases will be treated as received at the same time, with priority maintained (i.e. SR2 over SR3). Applications... more >>

IDN and Language Conversion Tools

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The following list provides useful IDN and language tools: Punycode converters - Convert between Unicode and Punycode strings .org, IDNA Converter IDNTools, Punycode Converter Verisign, IDN Conversion Tool Simple DNS Plus, IDN Conversion Tool Translators - translate text and phrases... more >>

.ASIA IDN Sunrise Policies - Updated

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This document sets out the Sunrise policies and Landrush and Go-Live processes for the launch of IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) registrations in the .ASIA Registry. These policies and process are designed to ensure an orderly and equitable allocation of domains... more >>
[EN PDF] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Hong Kong, 12 April, 2011 - Asia is continuing its rapid growth as the world's most populated Internet marketplace, with an expectation to expand to more than 2 billion Internet users in 2013. Fact is,... more >>

.ASIA CJK (Chinese Japanese Korean) IDN Policies

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NOTE: There is an update for this entry here. This document describes the IDN Language Policies for the implementation of Chinese, Japanese and Korean IDN registrations for the .ASIA Registry. The policies are based on and are consistent with the... more >>

.ASIA IDN Sunrise Policies

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* Attention: A critical update has been made to this policy.  Summary of Corrections: In the .Asia IDN Process Overview Table (Pg.1), under Sunrise 3, we mistakenly attributed "Official translated name of <ASCII>.ASIA to Sunrise 2a names" only, when it... more >>

.ASIA CJK (Chinese Japanese Korean) IDN Policies - Draft

This document describes the IDN Language Policies for the implementation of Chinese, Japanese and Korean IDN registrations for the .ASIA Registry. The policies are based on and are consistent with the Joint Engineering Team (JET) Guidelines for Internationalized Domain Names... more >>

.ASIA JA IDN Language Table

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.ASIA JA IDN Language TableTLD: ASIALanguage Tag: JALanguage Description: JapaneseVersion: 1.0Effective Date: 14 March 2011... more >>

.ASIA ZH IDN Language Table

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.ASIA ZH IDN Language TableTLD: ASIALanguage Tag: ZHLanguage Description: ChineseVersion: 1.0Effective Date: 14 March 2011... more >>

.ASIA KO IDN Language Table

.ASIA KO IDN Language TableTLD: ASIALanguage Tag: KOLanguage Description: KoreanVersion: 1.0Effective Date: 14 March 2011... more >>

.ASIA IDN Sunrise Policies FINAL DRAFT Released

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FINAL DRAFT for the .Asia IDN Sunrise Policies has been released. This document sets out the Sunrise policies and Landrush and Go-Live processes for the launch of IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) registrations in the .ASIA Registry. These policies and process... more >>

DotAsia Publishes Draft IDN Launch Policies

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[EN PDF] [.Asia IDN Sunrise Policies DRAFT PDF] Pinyin, Romaji and Romanized Domains could get Priority to Register in IDN December 15, 2009 -- Hong Kong  -- Following the announcement on November 18, 2009 (, DotAsia today published a... more >>
[EN PDF]  [ZH-繁 PDF]  [ZH-简 PDF]  [DE PDF] Priority for Existing Alphanumeric .Asia Domain Registrants for Corresponding IDNs Considered 18 November 2009 - Hong Kong - DotAsia announces plan to release multilingual domain (IDN - Internationalized Domain Name) registrations... more >>


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Please feel free to contact us at idn [@] or leave a comment on this entry. We will try our best to respond to your inquiries and begin to compile a list of Frequently Asked Questions for IDN.... more >>

Languages to be included in .Asia IDN Launch

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Asian languages will be a priority for the .Asia IDN Launch.  Your input will be valuable for a successful IDN launch.  Please feel free to send us your ideas and comments to idn [@] or leave a comment on... more >>

Sunrise & Landrush Policies

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DotAsia will release draft IDN launch policies in December 2009 and invite industry experts and users to provide input in an open process.  Policies will be finalized in March 2010 after the APRICOT conference in Kuala Lumpur.  Policies to be... more >>

How to Get a Lucky Domain: ZEN, Numerology and IDN

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As a child, I was enthralled with the works of James Burke. Like the enso, the tales he told had no beginning or end. His work simply explored the "connectedness" of things, both past and present. I was reminded... more >>

International domains to debut next year?

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ZDNet Asia - SINGAPORE--Internationalized domain names (IDNs) could launch by early 2009, following the formulation of policies to better manage ambiguities, according to an industry expert.Edmon Chung, CEO of DotAsia, told ZDNet Asia Wednesday that he is involved in a... more >>
Edmon Chung, CEO of DotAsia, and his staff have been working at developing community around the new .Asia TLD. With the .Asia community encompassing a varied collection of countries and cultures, I felt Edmon's insight towards IDNs would prove... more >>

IDN News

Recent Comments

  • Leona: Hi Alex, Thank you for contacting IDN.Asia. You should be read more
  • Alex: Where can i apply my for SR3? Im not read more
  • DotAsia Webmaster: A critical update has been made to this policy. Please read more
  • Webmaster: Dear Raksmey, we'd be happy to oblige. Could you please read more
  • PETH Raksmey: to add on my recently comment: here is my language: read more
  • PETH Raksmey: I just cannot find Khmer Language in your banner as read more
  • Chris: It is of paramount importance that current owners of initial-release read more

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